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Mansuer Mohammad
Jun 7, 20223 min read
The Art of Being Yourself
The best thing you can be is yourself Now, the best thing you can be is yourself. I say that vocally more than ever because it means...
Gia Khanh Luong
Nov 23, 20202 min read
Creativity in Problem-Solving: How Does Problem-Solving Creativity Appear in Our Daily Life?
Problem-solving is the ability to find out the ultimate goal of a problem by applying the proper rules or methods. In alma maters, it is...
Esty Rosenfeld
Nov 23, 20203 min read
Covid Conspiracies: Avoiding them like a plague
Fake news. Dunning-Kruger Effect. Now combine the two of them and BAM! There you have it. Some juicy news bits to repost or to wisely...
Esty Rosenfeld
Oct 7, 20202 min read
Imposterdom: Combating fraudulent feelings
We are social creatures. We often rely on others to help keep us going and motivated. For some, these extended months of social...
Mar 3, 20204 min read
What's with Martha's Meatballs?
MEATLESS MEATBALLS AT SUBWAY? Subway Canada recently released a new ad campaign to promote their partnership with the mega plant-based...
Oct 31, 20193 min read
Instagram: Building a healthier social media
INSTAGRAM’S NEW UPDATES If you’re a frequent Instagram user, you’ve probably noticed by now that the social media giant has undergone...
Azadeh Monfared
Oct 31, 20192 min read
The Anxiety Situation: Why is our society so anxious?
Why do I feel distressed? Why is it that I’m constantly worried about situations that normally don’t bother me? Am I projecting the right...
Haleem M. Tahir
Apr 14, 20193 min read
Expanding the mission statement of post-secondary learning institutions
Presently, the mission statement of most colleges and universities is to provide education and skills that will enable their students to...
Mitchell Stein
Apr 12, 20194 min read
Have we become a commodity? A look at data privacy on social media
There is an age-old saying that goes; If the product is free, then you are the product. With a never-ending list of free products and...
Propa Alam
Apr 12, 20192 min read
Sign Language: Should We All Learn It?
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, American Sign Language (ASL) is the fourth most...
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