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Volume 4, Issue 2 is out!
TAV and Community News

Mansuer Mohammad
1 min read
End of the year party
On May 12, TAV hosted an end of the year party in the C Building to celebrate the nearing end of the semester. Snacks and games were...

Mansuer Mohammad
3 min read
NFR? Who are they?
NFR Podcast: What's it about? NFR Podcast is a hip-hop music podcast, building content for the genre's most intelligent and passionate...

Mansuer Mohammad
1 min read
A message from the Editor-In-Chief
The TAV Times has given me the honor and privilege of being the third editor-in-chief. De La Soul sang that 3 is a magic number and...
Science News

Ha Nguyen
4 min read
How have diets changed throughout the year in Canada
Diet trends have changed throughout the years in Canada and in the world at large. From avoiding fats to low carbs, people have cut out all

Esty Rosenfeld
7 min read
Breaking the silence
One woman's journey to getting diagnosed with eating disorders and what that's meant for her. Breaking the silence aims to raise awareness s

Mahla Sefati
4 min read
Trust, intuition & Timing
Bad migraines and weight gain caused a Montreal woman to trust her intuition and pushed to get it properly checked out. Turns out Ms. Robyne

Mansuer Mohammad
3 min read
The Art of Being Yourself
The best thing you can be is yourself Now, the best thing you can be is yourself. I say that vocally more than ever because it means...

Gia Khanh Luong
2 min read
Creativity in Problem-Solving: How Does Problem-Solving Creativity Appear in Our Daily Life?
Problem-solving is the ability to find out the ultimate goal of a problem by applying the proper rules or methods. In alma maters, it is...

Esty Rosenfeld
3 min read
Covid Conspiracies: Avoiding them like a plague
Fake news. Dunning-Kruger Effect. Now combine the two of them and BAM! There you have it. Some juicy news bits to repost or to wisely...
Lifestyle News

Mahla Sefati
3 min read
The color that soothes our days as calm as the Pacific OceanThe positive effects of blue on our min
Home Home, our safest place, where our heart is. The place we share our saddest and happiest moments with our beloved ones. Home, where...

Miranda Alvarez
4 min read
Feeling blue and how to get out of it
From heartbreak to self-doubt, everybody feels a little blue sometimes, so I talked to a few classmates that have been through it and...

Miranda Alvarez
3 min read
With trends making major comebacks, our creativity and integrity are on the line. The world is now merging and integrating old styles and mu
Creative Writing

Mayyah_Pithy (pen name) Ameenah Salami
1 min read
There was no cause to write happy
When you mentioned home, memories seemed to have faded away how it smelled was forgotten how it broke into floating letters H O M E was...

Mayyah_Pithy (pen name) Ameenah Salami
1 min read
How Many Regrets Are Yet To Be Counted?
how freely have you walked with men who never have the right to hold your hand under their arms? how many regrets do you feel? after...

Mayyah_Pithy (pen name) Ameenah Salami
1 min read
Did you grill her to God's taste?
Her smile can split the moon in two. A prayer of curls and Sparkles of pearls, her hair. When she was younger, she was almost a saint She...
Business and Technology News

Luisa Ramirez
4 min read
Ideas that contribute to a better future!
Some companies have come up with creative ideas of how to be a conduit for change through finding eco-friendly solutions or inspiring others

Lucas Yifru
1 min read
The Human Connection in a Digital World
Human Connection in a Digital Environment Technology has been in our lives for a long time now. It has made a lot of progress since its...

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